Bethlehem Cemetery Cleanup – May 11

We will be at the Bethlehem Cemetery on May 11 to clean up debris.   The cleanup will begin at 9:00 am, and should last for about 1 hour. Bring gloves, a rake, a broom, leaf blower, bug spray and come out and help with our unit’s monthly service project. The cemetery markers can use some

AOL Den – AOL Ceremony and Crossover – April 1

During the last part of our April 1 pack meeting, Pack 734 will hold an Arrow of Light Award ceremony for our 2nd Year Webelos,  who will have completed the Cub Scout Program.  Several of them will join the Boy Scout Program, and there will be a Crossover ceremony for them as join Boy Scout

University of Scouting Leader Training – February 3, 2024

  The Council will hold an extensive training event on Saturday, February 3, at the St. Leo University in San Antonio, FL, from 8:30 AM until 3:30 PM.  You do not need to be a leader to attend, but you must have completed the YPT online courses.  Classes will be held for most of the

Christmas Pack Meeting Monday December 9

MONDAY, DECEMBER 9th is our Christmas Pack Meeting, beginning promptly at 6:30pm at Hope Community Fellowship Hall. We will have the a partially catered dinner, with each family encouraged to bring a side dish to share. This will be a combined meeting with our boy Scout Troop 734.  All family members are invited to attend.

Outback Steak House Tour – Saturday October 7

The pack will have a special behind the scenes tour and help prepare lunch at the Plant City Outback beginning at 10AM on Saturday October 7. Because of the limited space in the kitchen for this event, we ask that siblings not participate. Scouts will learn how to make a Bloomin’ Onion, prepare vegetables, and

Medieval Times Outing – Saturday Nov 4

Update Oct 22: There have been some cancellations of our prepaid registration. If you would like to attend, but have not signed up, Please see Staci. Original Post: The Pack has a group outing planned to the Medieval Times in Kissimmee on November 4 for the 5PM show. We need to pre-register for this, with

Visit to Animal Farm – May 15 (date change)

For our May 15 den meetings, we will visit the Wright family’s barn and see how they care for their pet animals, and prepare them for shows such as the Strawberry Festival or Hillsborough County Fair. The address is 3703 Young road, Plant City, which is north on Young road from Sam Allen Road. Young

Scout Sunday – February 5, 2023

The official nationwide Scout Sunday is February 5 this year, and you are encouraged to wear your scout uniform to either Cork Methodist Church, or your regular place of worship. Our sponsoring organization, Cork Methodist Church, will recognize the scouting program in their 10:30 AM service that morning, and the Pack, Troop, and Crew will

Pack Fun Day August 27 (revised date)

Troop 734 will host a fun day for Pack 734 at Cork Methodist Church on Saturday August 27, starting about 10AM until 4PM Activities will include relay races, corn hole, a dunk tank (who do you want dunked?), gaga ball, and other games. Troop 734 will provide lunch, and will have desserts made in their

Pack Bowling Party – Aug 6

We plan to have a bowling party on Saturday August 6 at noon at the Brandon Crossroads Bowl, 609 Crater Lane, Tampa.  This is off Palm River Road, about 1/2 mile west of Falkenburg Road.  Plan to arrive by 11:45 so you can get shoes and be set to start at noon. We will have