Splash-O-Ree Campout April 4-6, 2025

Note: some of this information is preliminary, and subject to change.  Please check back as the event date approaches. The Council Splash-O-Ree weekend is scheduled for April 4 to 6, 2025 . Our pack plans to attend the event at Flaming Arrow Scout Reservation, east of Lake Wales.  (There will also be one the following

Cedarkirk Family Camp May 16-18, 2025

NOTE: Some of this information is preliminary, and subject to change. The pack will celebrate the end of the school year with a family campout May 16 thru 18, at Cedarkirk, a Presbyterian Camp and Conference Center.  Cedarkirk is located on the south side of the Alafia River, several miles west of SR 39. You

Spook-O-Ree Campout October 18-20

UPDATE 10/14/24:  It appears that the campout will be held as scheduled.  Please let us know if your plans have changed.  If you cannot make it, or cannot stay as long, or want to come but did not register, please let Claude know @ cbandmcarter@gmail.com, or text Marthann at 813 323 1265. As I understand,

Cub Adventure Camp – November 16, 2019

Update Nov 13: Event shirts are not being offered for this event. If you ordered one and paid, either the $10 can be refunded or applied to your recharter fee. The council is holding a Cub Adventure Camp at Sand Hill Scout Reservation on November 16 weekend, and our pack plans to attend. Theme for

Cub Adventure Camp – Feb 1-3, 2019 at Camp Soule

Update Jan 22: The pack is registered for the event, and I was able to order event T-shirts for those who requested them. If you no longer want to go, or if you want to go but did not sign up, please let me know as soon as you can. There is a Cub Adventure

Pack 734 – Campout Suggested Packing List

This is a suggested, basic, packing list. It may not be an all inclusive list for you, or for the time of year, and there may be items listed you won’t need on certain campouts, but it should give you a good basis as you pack for our outings. Pack 734 Suggested Packing List