The pack has a morning outing to the new Bonnet Springs Park in Lakeland on June 8. We plan to meet at 9AM at the Welcome Center, and families can stay as long as they like. There are enough displays and attractions to stay all day. You can bring a lunch, or there is a
Bethlehem Cemetery Cleanup – May 11
We will be at the Bethlehem Cemetery on May 11 to clean up debris. The cleanup will begin at 9:00 am, and should last for about 1 hour. Bring gloves, a rake, a broom, leaf blower, bug spray and come out and help with our unit’s monthly service project. The cemetery markers can use some
Lakeland Flying Tigers Baseball Game May 4
The minor league Lakeland Flying Tigers baseball team will have a special promotion for Scouts on Saturday May 4 at the Publix Field at Joker Marchant Stadium in Lakeland. The gates open with a lot of fun activities at 5PM, and the baseball game starts at 6:00PM against the Clearwater Threshers. Admission fee of $10
Cub Scout Day Camp – July 10-13
Note that our council has 5 different Day Camp (weekdays) or Twilight Camps (evenings and Saturday) open for Cub Scouts. Scouts can attend any one, or more, of the events. Although the theme is the same, presentation will be different. Early (4 weeks before) registration varies from $110 to $140, with regular registration from $125
AOL Den – AOL Ceremony and Crossover – April 1
During the last part of our April 1 pack meeting, Pack 734 will hold an Arrow of Light Award ceremony for our 2nd Year Webelos, who will have completed the Cub Scout Program. Several of them will join the Boy Scout Program, and there will be a Crossover ceremony for them as join Boy Scout
University of Scouting Leader Training – February 3, 2024
The Council will hold an extensive training event on Saturday, February 3, at the St. Leo University in San Antonio, FL, from 8:30 AM until 3:30 PM. You do not need to be a leader to attend, but you must have completed the YPT online courses. Classes will be held for most of the
Pack Committee/Planning Meeting December 8
We will be holding a Pack 734 planning meeting on Sunday December 8 at Hope Community, 3 PM. We are asking all Committee Members, leaders and interested Parents come to the meeting and let us know what programs they would like from the Pack. If you have an event or program you think would be
Christmas Pack Meeting Monday December 9
MONDAY, DECEMBER 9th is our Christmas Pack Meeting, beginning promptly at 6:30pm at Hope Community Fellowship Hall. We will have the a partially catered dinner, with each family encouraged to bring a side dish to share. This will be a combined meeting with our boy Scout Troop 734. All family members are invited to attend.
Cancelled!!: Withlacoochee River Park Campout Feb 17, 2024
UPDATE February14: Due to the forecast of rainy, cold weather on Saturday and Sunday, this campout has been cancelled. It may be rescheduled at a later date. This is rescheduled for the February 17, 2024 weekend. This will be a joint campout with Troop 734, who will provide meals and activities. Pack 734 and Troop
Outback Steak House Tour – Saturday October 7
The pack will have a special behind the scenes tour and help prepare lunch at the Plant City Outback beginning at 10AM on Saturday October 7. Because of the limited space in the kitchen for this event, we ask that siblings not participate. Scouts will learn how to make a Bloomin’ Onion, prepare vegetables, and