Pack 734 2022 Pinewood Derby Results

Update March 24: The district Pinewood Derby has been cancelled. Attached are the Pack Pinewood Derby race results, sorted by average time for the car’s 6 races. The driver’s initials and the car’s assigned race number are shown. The first 3 finishers for the lion/tiger group, Wolf/Bear group, and the Webelos 1/AOL group can participate

Pack Fun Day Dec 4, 2021

The Pack is planning an outdoor fun day on Saturday December 4, 1 to 5PM at the Walden Lake Clubhouse, 3035 Griffin Blvd, Plant City. We will have outdoor games and activities. If you have an activity to share, please let us know.

Popcorn Sales 2021

Pack 734 needs funds to operate, and by selling BSA nationally sponsored Trails End Popcorn, we can easily fund our Pack activities. It is not hidden that a significant portion of the selling price goes to Boy Scouting, either on a National, Council, Pack, or individual Scout level. This program is optional for Pack 734