Note: some of this information is preliminary, and subject to change. Please check back as the event date approaches.
The Council Splash-O-Ree weekend is scheduled for April 4 to 6, 2025 . Our pack plans to attend the event at Flaming Arrow Scout Reservation, east of Lake Wales. (There will also be one the following weekend at Camp Soule near Clearwater; register for it at the above web site.)
You can come for just the activities on Saturday, or camp with our Pack on Friday and/or Saturday nights. Each scout must have an adult parent/guardian at the event. Pre-registration is done by the complete Pack, so if you would like to attend, please let us know by the March 17 den meetings, and if you would like to camp. Cost for each Scout is $34, $34 for participating siblings (5 years old & older), and $26 for adults and older non-participating siblings; little kids are free.
Event T-shirts are available for $15, and need to be ordered by March 3.
We will do food as a pack, and ask for $5 per adult to cover this cost. We will need parents to help with food preparation. Menu is: Breakfast on Saturday: eggs, bacon, grits, fruit; lunch: hot dogs and mac & cheese; dinner: spaghetti, vegetable;, and breakfast on Sunday: cold cereal, yogurt, bagels. We are NOT providing a Friday evening meal, so eat before you arrive, or bring your own. To drink, we will have milk (with meals), ice water, lemonade, and tea to drink. If you need soda, bring your own. Please bring a re-usable cup/mug for your drinks so we can use fewer disposables.
One event may be an opportunity to canoe in the lake. BSA regulation is that there must be an adult who has passed the BSA swim test in the canoe with a non-swimmer, or all in the canoe must have passed the swim test. Briefly, the swim test is a 75 yard front stoke swim, and 25 yard resting back stroke. Most Cub Scouts are not able to complete this test, so must have an adult who has passed the test in the canoe. There will be an opportunity at camp to complete this swim test, and we will have an opportunity to attempt/complete the swim test at the Plant City YMCA before the event.
There will be some free time in camp at mealtime and between event activities. If you can, bring a group game/activity to keep active boys constructively occupied.
The weather is expected to be hot and dry, so bring sunscreen and a hat. Our pack T-shirt would be appropriate to wear at Saturday’s activities; the uniform shirt should be worn for opening and closing ceremonies, and Sunday morning service. Everyone must wear closed toed shoes when at camp; boys should have 2 pair – one which can get wet. There will be an opportunity for everyone to participate in waterfront activities, and for the boys to do some of the requirements for each rank’s aquatic adventure. Most events will be outside, but some events will be inside.
As with all Scout camps, please leave electronic distractions at home or in the car.
If you are a novice camper, this is a good event to experience camping in the woods. If you need supplies, please let a leader know. The campsites at Flaming Arrow have concrete slabs where permanent tents used to be. You need to bring your own tent. There is a screened pavilion with picnic tables, and very limited electricity at the campsite. The campsite is a short walk to a nice bath house. This campsite has had a lot of sandspurs, so closed-toed shoes are a must at all times. We will have a Pack supply trailer to carry larger items and cooking supplies. Beginning about 4PM Friday until about 9PM, they will allow a few at a time to drive cars to our campsite to unload, and then return the car to the parking lot. If you come for the day, events should begin about 8:30AM Saturday, and please try to carpool as parking spaces are limited.
Adults: as in all Scout events, No: alcoholic beverages, smoking/vaping in presence of scouts, weapons, pets, inappropriate attire, electronic distractions. Female swim attire should be a modest, one-piece swim suit.