Spook-O-Ree Campout October 18-20

UPDATE 10/14/24:  It appears that the campout will be held as scheduled.  Please let us know if your plans have changed.  If you cannot make it, or cannot stay as long, or want to come but did not register, please let Claude know @ cbandmcarter@gmail.com, or text Marthann at 813 323 1265. As I understand,

Update on BSA Registration fees Effective April 1, 2024

BSA has recently updated the membership fees and procedures, effective April 1, 2024. Basically, fees for youth have increased slightly to $85 per year, and will no longer be pro-rated until the calendar year end, but instead will be for one year from signup. Signups after August 1, 2023 will renew registration on an individual

Plant City Christmas Parade Friday December 6

Update December 4:  Pack 734 will be walking with the Railroad museum position J, which should be near the Sherwin Williams store.  We will have candy bags to pass out, with information about our pack.  Pack 734 will participate in the Plant City Christmas Parade on Friday evening, December 6 as part of the Railroad

Sheriff’s Office Aviation Tour – Nov 2

The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office will host our visit on Saturday November 2, beginning at 8AM. This is located at 5808 Wilkins Drive, Tampa, as part of the Tampa Executive Airport (aka Vandenburg Airport) complex. Easiest access is east from US 301, just north of I-4 interchange. We will get to see their helicopters, fixed

Antioch Days Event November 2 – Cancelled

Due to damage from Hurricane Milton, this event is cancelled for this year. This is not a Pack event, but is an enjoyable free (except food) event.  There will NOT be a parade this year.  Families are welcome to attend the Antioch Days Festivities from 10AM to 3PM at East Thonotosassa Baptist Church, at the

Pack Meeting – Monday November 4

Pack 734 will hold its Pack meeting on November 4, at Hope Community (previously Cork Methodist Church). The program begins at 6:30.  The Pack will provide pizza and hot dogs, and each family is encouraged to bring a side dish – salad, vegetable or ?? – to share.  There is no cost to attend. This

Trails-End Popcorn Sales

The Trail’s End Popcorn sales are used by scout units nationwide to fund their program. About 70% of the sale dollars goes to scouting, and our unit can receive up to 40%. We have decided to do a one-weekend sale campaign, and hopefully that will earn the pack and troop enough so that we are

Join Cub Scouts –

Cub Scout Pack 734 welcomes interested new member to visit on our Monday evening regular den meetings, 6:30PM, at our scout meeting location: Hope Community (formerly Cork Methodiat Church) at 4815 Sam Allen Road, Plant City. This is just west of Cork Road. The Cub Scout program is for boys and girls from kindergarten through

Cracker Country Museum Day – Sept 28 Cancelled!

Due to possible hurricane damage to the grounds and buildings, this event has been cancelled. This is not a scouting event, but it is a great way to see a museum for free. Smithsonian Magazine sponsors “Museum Day” each year, with hundreds of museums around the country (66 in Florida) offering free admission. Many of

District Fishing Derby – October 5, 2024

The District will have a fishing event on Saturday, October 5, from about 8:30AM until noon, at the Bass Pro store in Brandon. There will be a supply of Zebco reel fishing poles and bait, but feel free to bring your own pole and secret bait. Recognition will be given for a lot of categories.